Minors Protection

Minors Protection

Brown University is committed to providing a safe environment for all minors participating in Brown-sponsored activities both on and off campus.

Members of the Brown community who interact with minors in-person or virtually are expected to foster and maintain an appropriate and safe environment and report suspected abuse or neglect of minors and other inappropriate or unlawful activity.

To help provide a safe environment, Brown has created this website with resources and best practices to help protect minors who participate in University-sponsored activities.

  • Members of the Brown community should use this website to prepare themselves to protect minors in their care.
  • Individuals responsible for leading minors activities should use the resources on this website, as needed, to supplement their specific activity training requirements.
  • Please note: Each minors activity is different - always verify participation requirements with the individual leading the activity.

Education & Training

It is critical that all adults who work with minors understand the expectations for their behavior in a variety of settings. The below training covers:

  • Appropriate boundaries
  • Communication 
  • Physical contact
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Reporting
  • Policies

With a Brown Workday Account

  • Individuals with a Brown Workday account should complete the training in Workday.

Without a Brown Workday Account

  • Those without a Brown Workday account should download the training and provide a signed copy to the individual(s) leading the activity involving minors.

Standard Forms

Brown-sponsored activities that are responsible for minor participants should have the following forms completed by a parent or legal guardian for each minor participant. If your activity currently uses customized release and media forms, feel free to continue using those.

All forms should be collected and maintained by the minors activity administrators.

Note: If your activity requires parents/guardians to attend and supervise minors, the Parental Release Form is not required. Please review the Image Use Policy to determine whether the Media Consent Form is required.

Emergency Preparedness

Ensuring emergency preparedness is paramount for minors’ safety and well-being. Following emergency preparedness best practices will help adults interacting with minors to be prepared in the event of an emergency.

Contact & Reporting Information

For non-time-sensitive questions:


For emergency situations:

Department of Public Safety: 401-863-4111
or your local authorities

To report actual or suspected abuse or neglect of minors:

  • Report to the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Family Services (RIDCYFS) Child Protection Hotline at 1-(800) RI-CHILD or 1-800-742-4453 (callers may remain anonymous); then
  • Report to Brown's Department of Public Safety at 401-863-3322 and confirm the report was also made to RIDCYFS. Additionally, the Department of Public Safety will inform the University's Title IX Coordinator, if applicable, for the purposes of investigation, support, and Clery reporting.

For questions related to a specific program or activity:

  • Reach out to the individual(s) leading the specific activity directly.


In Rhode Island, a minor is anyone under the age of 18.

Specific programs or activities may have additional requirements to participate. Verify all requirements with the individual(s) leading each specific activity involving minors.

Specific programs or activities may require adults working with minors to get a state background check. Verify all requirements with the individual(s) leading each specific activity involving minors.

While the training is recommended for everyone who interacts with minors, it is not required for interacting with matriculated Brown students.

Rhode Island law requires any person who has reasonable cause to know or suspect that any child has been abused or neglected (as defined by law) or is the victim of sexual abuse by another child must report it within twenty-four hours.

Message to Parents and Guardians

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s safety at Brown, please reach out to:

  • The University staff member who interacts with your child the most
  • The director of your child’s program, camp, or activity
  • Minors Protection at minorsprotection@brown.edu

Important things you can do to protect your child

Let Brown know promptly at 401-863-3322 if your child expresses concern about behavior that may be inappropriate, abusive, or neglectful.

Talk to your child using age-appropriate language about:

  • The difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching.
  • The fact that children can say NO to any touch they don’t want and that they should trust and pay attention to their feelings and ask questions when they feel uncomfortable.
  • The fact that children can and should speak up if they ever feel unsafe or bullied.
  • Common online or in-person grooming behaviors to speak up about.

Additional Information

Brown has an Anonymous Reporting Hotline that provides the opportunity to report concerns in an anonymous manner.

The Hotline is NOT a 911 or emergency service: Do not use the Hotline to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Hotline reports may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities. To contact Brown University Public Safety, call 401-863-4111.